Muslim militants all over the world need to drop their weapons right now

3 min readMay 24, 2021


Photo by Cole Keister on Unsplash

Is it a boy or a girl? What do you think?” asked an army-man while showing my pregnant mother a safe place to sit amidst a gunfight.

I think it is a boy” she answers, startled with the sound of the continuous gunfire that burned down the apartment we used to call our home. As my mom recalls, she says that I was born after a short time, our house got destroyed in an encounter between Indian Armed Forces and a couple of Rebels, who had somehow managed to sneak in into the apartment building. Many families lost their homes that night including mine. This was the year 1994 and I was born into a world of violence and unrest. Since then it is said that around 100 thousand Kashmiri people have picked up arms against the Indian State and around 100 thousand have died. Although the figures are unofficial, they represent emotions on the ground.

As I grew up to my senses, I found that the word “peace” was altogether mythological. It didn’t exist. I mean it never existed. Kashmir wasn’t alone in all this. There was a Russian invasion of Afganistan. Then Al-Qaida happened. Twin Tower attack and a consequent Afgan war. There was Saddam Hussain. Syria was bleeding. Taliban, Hamas, and ISIS had their presence. China was persecuting Uyghurs. Last but not the least, Israel had been bombing Palestinians. And the only thing I could say to myself was — “ what a god damn mess, we are in”.

As a Muslim and as a part of the community, it has caused me a great deal of pain to see lives being lost. Simple put, weapons are in no way the answer, even to an occupying force because this is a completely unfair fight. It has caused our community more harm than good. Or any good at all. Resistance in the form of violence by the non-state actors is idiotic. Hamas fires thousands of rockets towards Israel, of which the majority get intercepted by the iron dome, and a few that manage to escape probably fall on barren lands. This is not what you call, putting up a fight. This is poking a lion in its den and inviting it to feast on you. Hamas or any other militia group is not helping anyone. They are only making lives difficult. By killing 12 Israeli people, what did Hamas achieve? Nothing. Israel is still there. As firm as it was a week ago. Instead, 263 Palestinians are dead including 63 children. It only brought wrath and destruction upon the people whom it claimed to protect and defend. This is what Hamas achieved.

Muslims need to understand, holy war or jihad is the responsibility of a state, not any private militia. A group of people standing up against nuclear power is no less than forming a suicide squad. This passion to fight which is unfortunately thought to be religious is one of the reasons, the majority of Muslim-dominated areas are in turmoil. The destruction and the suffering it has caused are immense. It has halted our growth in every aspect of life. Be it economy, defense, education, tourism, or infrastructure, the quality of life has degraded in every way.

Kashmir, my home state, also needs to understand. Where did militancy leave us? We lost the state autonomy, we even lost the state status. At least we shouldn’t have lost countless human lives. Differences and resistance are our fundamental right but once violence is added to all this, the opposing brutality gets an excuse. Like killing civilians and children in the name of self-defense.

At this juncture, it would be wise and prudent for every militant group in all occupied territories to stand their guard down. Let people come forward and let them shout injustice with their bare hands. And if things don’t change, have patience. Indeed God is with the patient. Fighting a lost battle only brings misery and unnecessary strain on the civilian population. I have seen my people suffer and I wish I don’t have to see this anymore. So please drop those weapons right now.

